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Bob Dudley
Oil and Gas Industry
World Economic Forum, 2017
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Digitization may push the oil and gas industry into a greener future.
Industry creates waste. But better decision-making can reduce waste, and better data analytics should lead to better decision-making – hence, the importance of digital transformation within the fossil fuel industry. In this white paper from the World Economic Forum, Bob Dudley makes the argument that speedier digitization could mean an added $1.6 trillion in value for fossil fuel companies. That’s good news for an industry struggling with a tumultuous market and societal change. Millennials are demanding greener energy; the oil and gas industry will have to scramble if it wants to deliver.
About the Author
Bob Dudley chairs the Oil and Gas Climate Initiative (OGCI), an international industry-led organization created to “accelerate the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions.” Dudley is the former group chief executive of BP. The World Economic Forum is an international NGO based in Switzerland.
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