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Robert G. Allen
Multiple Streams of Income
How to Generate a Lifetime of Unlimited Wealth
Wiley, 2000
Was ist drin?
Ben Franklin discovered electricity — but it was the man who invented the meter who made the money.
Aimed at those with little or no business or investment knowledge, this book explains how to earn money in addition to your salary and how to plug leaks in your cash flow. Robert G. Allen crams in an enormous amount of information and the book design accommodates boxed quotes, sidebars and graphs that help simplify complex investment and other financial information. getAbstract recommends this book to anyone in need of a crash course in financial security, who doesn’t mind a "Gee-whiz" approach.
About the Author
Robert G. Allen ’s first book, Nothing Down, sold more than one million copies, becoming the largest-selling real-estate investment book in history. A successful entrepreneur and seminar leader, he has an MBA from Brigham Young University. He is a popular guest on radio and TV programs, and has been featured in many national magazines.
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