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James Obermayer
Managing Sales Leads
Turning Cold Prospects into Hot Customers
Thomson Texere, 2006
What's inside?
Sales inquiries are the pixie dust that can make your company magically grow – if you produce and track them correctly.
Sales guru James Obermayer believes that companies should hold their marketing departments accountable for generating sales leads, and in this book, he explains how marketers can live up to the challenge. He discusses how to set targeted return on investment (ROI) goals for marketing programs and sales leads. He details how marketing executives can use tracking and control techniques and systems to determine which promotional expenditures deliver the best sales returns. getAbstract recommends this outstanding guide on sales-lead generation, monitoring, evaluation and control to marketing and sales professionals and those who manage them.
About the Author
James Obermayer is a principal at a U.S. business consulting firm. An expert on tracking, evaluating and controlling sales leads, he helps firms improve their marketing and increase sales.
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