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Keith Goffin, Fred Lemke and Ursula Koners
Identifying Hidden Needs
Creating Breakthrough Products
Palgrave Macmillan, 2010
What's inside?
You can’t solve a problem until you know what it is. New research methods can help make you a marketing whiz.
Most experts fail to explore the foundation of innovation: research. Authors Keith Goffin, Fred Lemke and Ursula Koners believe most new products fail because they are not based on research that uncovers consumers’ “hidden needs.” Developing new offerings based on the data produced by outdated research methods is like trying to cook a gourmet meal with inferior ingredients. The authors try to put a human face on ethnographic research by supplying several case studies per chapter, but that does little to relieve the dry and technical nature of the subject matter. The text is not for the casual reader. For market researchers and product developers, however, getAbstract believes this treatise will offer new, worthy ideas and methods presented in a variety of formats with charts, graphs, grids and more.
About the Authors
Keith Goffin teaches innovation at the UK’s Cranfield School of Management. Fred Lemke teaches marketing at the US’s Alliant International University, where Ursula Koners is a visiting research fellow.
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