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Dune Lawrence
How to Make Money Rebuilding Reputations
Have Them Destroyed First
Bloomberg, 2016
What's inside?
Should websites be held liable when their users post false derogatory claims online?
Websites like – which host content third-party users produce – rely upon the Internet free speech protections laid out in Section 230 of the US Communications Decency Act of 1996. But should companies truly bear no liability for libelous claims posted on their pages? Bloomberg Businessweek investigative reporter Dune Lawrence examines how uses Section 230 provisions to defend itself against litigation and turn a profit from defamation victims. Lawrence further explores how recent court decisions may soon lead to limits on Section 230 protections. getAbstract recommends this article to small business owners, lawyers and policy makers.
About the Author
Dune Lawrence is an investigative reporter for Bloomberg News and Bloomberg Businessweek magazine. He focuses on China, cybersecurity and the law.
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