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Lauryn Higgins
How to Find Your Procrastination Style – and Then Stop Procrastinating for Good
Psychologists and behavior experts share their top strategies for working through pesky procrastination.
Real Simple, 2023
What's inside?
If procrastination is preventing you from achieving your goals, learn how to overcome it with research-backed tips.
Practically everyone procrastinates, says journalist Lauryn Higgins. Learn to forgive yourself by adopting research-backed tactics to procrastinate less. Gain insight into your own particular procrastination style, identifying which procrastination type – or types – best reflects your own personal reasons for procrastinating. Stop beating yourself up for postponing action, urges Higgins, and start reframing your mind-set and approaching your to-do list differently, so you can start getting tasks done today.
About the Author
Lauryn Higgins is a freelance journalist whose work focuses primarily on public health, agriculture and climate change.
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