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Eric Barker
How To Be Calm Under Pressure
3 Secrets From A Bomb Disposal Expert
Barking Up The Wrong Tree, 2017
Was ist drin?
How can you keep calm in stressful situations? A man whose job it is to defuse bombs – sometimes while underwater – shares his secrets.
Let’s face it: Keeping your cool isn’t always easy, especially when you’re confronted with co-workers stealing your yogurt from the office fridge, toddler meltdowns in the checkout aisle and flashy cars cutting you off on the freeway. Lifestyle blogger Eric Barker interviews a US Navy Explosive Ordnance Disposal (EOD) team leader who, inarguably, knows how to stay calm when faced with “the most intense pressure imaginable.” Barker discusses ways to analyze problems, stay calm and move from fear to positive action. getAbstract recommends this article to everyone interested in learning techniques for dealing proactively with stressful situations.
About the Author
Eric Barker is the author of Barking Up the Wrong Tree, a science-based lifestyle blog.
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