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Bill Cates
Get More Referrals Now!
McGraw-Hill, 2004
What's inside?
Do-not-call lists have killed cold-calling. So what do you do now? Build business on the basis of referrals. Here's how.
Cold calling is dead. Do-not-call lists will consign the telemarketer to the dustbin of annoying business history. So what do you do instead? Build your business on the basis of referrals. Provide such outstanding service to your clients that they will want to introduce you to others. This is easier said than done, but when it is done right, it’s very effective. Author Bill Cates provides a treasury of lore, some obvious but often ignored, some creative and new, all of it useful in building a referral-based business. He writes clearly, concisely and succinctly. gladly recommends - or refers - Cates to you; his guidebook is practical for anyone in almost any business.
About the Author
Bill Cates is president of Referral Coach International. He writes columns for On Wall Street and Advisor Today. His audio cassette albums on sales and sales management include Unlimited Referrals, Breaking the Voice Mail Barrier, No More Cold Calls and Target Marketing, among others.
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