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Marcus Buckingham and Curt Coffman
First, Break All the Rules
What the World’s Greatest Managers Do Differently
Simon & Schuster, 1999
What's inside?
The best managers know how to bring out the best in their employees.
Marcus Buckingham and Curt Coffman present the results of two major studies. One offers findings from polling more than a million employees about their workplace needs. The other is a 20-year study of how the methods of the world’s greatest managers differ from those of lesser managers. This study involved interviews with more than 80,000 managers from 400 companies, the largest such investigation ever undertaken. The authors found key differences that fly in the face of traditional thinking about successful managerial practices. This astute, well-written report presents the major principles of great managers, and offers examples of leaders who put their knowledge of effective management into practice. The book’s conclusions rest on in-depth research, not theory. This painstaking study authoritatively describes how employees feel about management and explains exactly what great managers do, and why and how they achieve top results. getAbstract recommends it to everyone who manages, wants to manage or is managed.
About the Authors
Marcus Buckingham is a senior lecturer in Gallup’s Leadership Institute and Curt Coffman is the global practice leader for the Gallup Organization’s Workplace Management Practice.
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