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Larry Light
Fallen Angels Get Fed’s Helping Hand. Is That Enough?
Some bonds may be beyond hope, and once the central bank’s backstop ends, there goes the artificial price support.
Chief Investment Officer, 2020
What's inside?
The US Federal Reserve is taking unusual steps to support the high-yield corporate debt markets.
In its response to the economic turmoil caused by COVID-19, the US Federal Reserve has once again come to the rescue of financial markets. But this time, unlike in past crises, the Fed has added support for high-risk corporate debt. In this informative commentary written before the extension to year-end 2020 of the Fed’s program, financial journalist Larry Light surveys the Fed’s plan to buoy high-yield securities and its potential to aid market recovery. Investors and executives will appreciate his valuable insights in this astute report.
About the Author
Larry Light is a financial journalist at CIO Magazine.
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