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Christian Müller-Roterberg
Design Thinking For Dummies
Wiley, 2020
What's inside?
Design thinking improves your creativity and helps you develop innovative solutions.
Every day, larger and more complex problems arise in the business world. People who seek innovative, meaningful solutions in varying fields turn to design thinking to figure out solutions. Professor Christian Müller-Roterberg details the design thinking benefits, tools and structures that will help you answer tough business questions. From centering your focus around your customers’ needs to being sure you’ve identified the right problem to using creative methods to brainstorm solutions, Müller-Roterberg offers the know-how you need to design better solutions, better products and a better future.
About the Author
Christian Müller-Roterberg, PhD, is a technology, innovation management and entrepreneurship professor at the Ruhr West University of Applied Science in Mülheim, Germany.
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