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Neveen Awad, Jonathan Brice, Santiago Ferrer, Heidi Kim and Taylor Stuart
Delivering Government Services Like a Digital Native
Boston Consulting Group, 2022
Что внутри?
Going from a modern, private-sector online service to a website for a government agency can feel like moving from a bullet train to a tuk-tuk.
The Boston Consulting Group’s 2022 Digital Government Citizen Survey revealed a 63% user satisfaction rate with the experiences they encountered with government online services. If your reaction to that statistic ran along the lines of, “Wow, 63% sounds a little generous,” then you’ve likely had a recent experience with government online services, because let’s face it: Online services for government agencies are rarely good. This Boston Consulting Group article offers solutions to bring government services into the future – or at least to the present.
About the Authors
Neveen Awad, Jonathan Brice, Santiago Ferrer, Heidi Kim and Taylor Stuart are professionals with the Boston Consulting Group.
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