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Mike Michalowicz
Design Your Business to Run Itself
Portfolio, 2018
What's inside?
This structured, realistic path to success doesn’t sacrifice your friends and family.
Entrepreneur Mike Michalowicz provides a simple, well-structured, easy-to-follow guide to building a small business. He urges fellow entrepreneurs to stop doing all the work and making all the decisions. In seven steps, he shows you how to hire and develop a team, so you gradually can delegate your tasks and decisions and leave your staff to run the business day by day while you design it for efficiency and impact. For any stressed-out entrepreneur working crushing hours for no apparent reward, he offers an organized, realistic path to success that doesn’t require sacrificing your friends and family.
About the Author
Co-founder of Profit First Professionals Mike Michalowicz also wrote Profit First and The Pumpkin Plan.
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