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Ya-Wen Lei
Caging the Tech Capitalists
How China built the bureaucracy it needed to crackdown on tech giants.
The Wire China, 2023
What's inside?
The Chinese government unleashed a regulatory strike on domestic technology companies.
Chinese leaders modeled their economy on the idea of a “birdcage,” an approach that sought to unleash the nation’s growth potential while controlling its trajectory through regulation and policy. Under this formula, China’s technology ecosystem flourished, but in recent years, officials have done an about-face, releasing a torrent of regulatory and legal proceedings. Journalist Ya-Wen Lei examines the 180-degree turn in policy relative to the technology industry, focusing on what it portends for Chinese innovation. Executives and investors will find this an insightful analysis of the Chinese tech landscape.
About the Author
Professor of sociology at Harvard University Ya-Wen Lei also wrote Gilded Cage: Technology, Development, and State Capitalism in China.
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