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Business Environment Rankings

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Business Environment Rankings

Which Country Is Best to Do Business In?


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Look here to find the top countries in the world for your business.

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The Economist Intelligence Unit set up an exhaustive evaluative model to gauge the quality of business environments in 82 countries between 2009 and 2013 and to make projections for the 2014–2018 period. Results show that Singapore, Switzerland and Hong Kong are the best places for commerce and investment. But across the rest of the globe, business conditions vary greatly. getAbstract sees this useful report as a good starting point for executives, corporate planners and investors choosing where to do business.


A recent ranking of 82 nations reveals that Singapore is still the best place in the world in which to do business, followed by Switzerland and Hong Kong. North American and Nordic countries, along with Australia and New Zealand, round out the top ten. But conditions vary within regions:

  • Asia – Asian business centers range from flourishing Singapore (1), Hong Kong (3), Australia (5) and New Zealand (8) to low-ranked Bangladesh (69) and Pakistan (74). Good political climates, solid legal and commercial frameworks, and flexible labor markets distinguish the top performers from the rest. Regional...

About the Author

The Economist Intelligence Unit is an independent research and analysis group.

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