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John Westwood
Building Your Business Through Export
Kogan Page, 2012
What's inside?
Companies that export can tap into a $68 trillion global economy.
Sales and marketing guru John Westwood’s comprehensive guidebook contains all the basics on exporting, including what types of firms should export and how they can do so successfully. Exporting offers numerous benefits to healthy businesses, including the opportunity to tap into the $68 trillion global economy. Selling your products in other countries can be bafflingly complex; Westwood himself experienced complications and yet remains a proponent. Though written somewhat like a textbook, his treatise provides a useful overview for managers who are considering expansion into foreign markets. getAbstract recommends it as a good starting tool for determining if exporting is right for your firm.
About the Author
Sales and marketing executive John Westwood wrote How to Write a Marketing Plan, 30 Minutes to Write a Marketing Plan and The Marketing Plan Workbook.
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