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William J. Rothwell
Beyond Training and Development
The Groundbreaking Classic on Human Performance Enhancement
AMACOM, 2004
What's inside?
Replace training with human performance enhancement, which builds your employees` capabilities for real job achievement.
In an era when so many CEOs feel business would be great if only they didn’t have to manage employees, recommends William J. Rothwell’s authoritative human resources classic. Its ideas converge nicely with the growing corporate requirement for a verifiable return on investment (ROI) for every activity. In the eyes of Human Performance Enhancement (HPE) experts, traditional training methods are too expensive, not very useful and too focused on behavior rather than on attaining organizational goals. Anyone who has experienced the corporate training phenomenon of "sheep-dipping" may agree that business training programs have room for improvement. This volume and its companion CD - complete with Power Point presentations - is a tremendous resource for training and human resources professionals, especially those seeking a fresh, practical approach to human performance.
About the Author
William J. Rothwell, Ph.D., is president of Rothwell & Associates, Inc., a consulting firm. He heads a graduate specialization program in training and human resources at Pennsylvania State University. His other books include The Workplace Learner, What CEOs Expect from Corporate Training.
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