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Michael Masterson
Automatic Wealth
The Six Steps to Financial Independence
Wiley, 2005
What's inside?
Sleep better at night and earn more money during the day by creating and tapping into a proven wealth-generating system.
The world is filled with get-rich schemes and early retirement plans. Michael Masterson’s book stands out because it blends common-sense advice with savvy investment strategies and a healthy dose of reality. Using personal stories and instructive examples, Masterson provides reality-based insights about achieving financial independence. The chapters on wealth-producing habits and investment diversification are especially helpful, although the multiple sections on real estate investments make the book slightly repetitive. It might have benefited from tighter editing. This is a lively book with helpful suggestions and examples about generating wealth and achieving financial independence. getAbstract recommends it to those who seek a healthier income statement, early retirement or both.
About the Author
Michael Masterson is well known for his articles in "Early To Rise," an electronic newsletter published by Agora. During his career, Masterson has launched many successful ventures, including two $100 million-plus businesses.
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