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Kara Chan and James U. McNeal
Advertising to Children in China
The Chinese UP, 2006
What's inside?
Four grandparents, two parents: Chinese kids dip into six doting wallets. How to tap the world’s largest kids’ market.
China’s one-child policy, introduced in 1979, has led to an unprecedented phenomenon: An urban child is now the sole benefactor of the attention, interest and earnings of two parents and four grandparents. This, combined with China’s mushrooming capitalist economy, has boosted children’s status, purchasing power and sway within Chinese households. Children now control far more currency than in the past. They influence family purchases and have pocket money to spend on indulgences. Kara Chan and James U. McNeal delve into this market, and illustrate how Chinese children perceive advertising by age, gender and location. Although the authors’ deep academic methodology, tables and quantitative analysis are not wholly relevant to the advertising business and many of their findings are not unique to China, getAbstract considers this unprecedented study a fascinating insight into the children’s market in China’s capitalist society.
About the Authors
Dr. Kara Chan is a professor at the Department of Communication Studies at Hong Kong Baptist University. James U. McNeal is a former marketing professor at Texas A&M University and a world expert on the effects of marketing on children.
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