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Michael Carolan
A Decent Meal
Building Empathy in a Divided America
Redwood Press, 2021
What's inside?
Learn what food reveals about US sociopolitical polarization, and how it can help bridge the empathy gap.
Sociologist Michael Carolan offers an intriguing account of what he has learned about empathy from his research on the US food system. His studies of food-stamp recipients, low-wage agricultural laborers, commercial farmers and game hunters reveal how people can come to understand those who hold diametrically opposed views and beliefs. This timely book is a quick read, even perhaps too quick; it contains fascinating points you wish Carolan had spent a little more time explaining. Still, any American concerned about the present state of US sociopolitical discourse will appreciate this thought-provoking text.
About the Author
Michael Carolan is a professor of sociology at Colorado State University, where he co-founded the Food Systems Institute for Research, Engagement and Learning. He is the author of several books, including The Real Cost of Cheap Food.
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