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Richard Shotton
16 ½ Psychological Quirks that Influence What We Buy
Marcus Collins
The Power Behind What We Buy, What We Do, and Who We Want to Be
Paco Underhill
The Science of Shopping
Maria Piacentini et al.
Christine Bailey
How to Understand Your Audience and Create Remarkable Marketing
Michael R. Solomon
How to Connect with Consumers Who Defy Categorization
Donald A. Norman
Why we love (or hate) everyday things
Aparna Bharadwaj et al.
Prince Ghuman and Matt Johnson
Blindsight: The (Mostly) Hidden Ways Marketing Reshapes Our Brains
Don Norman
Zoe Fraade-Blanar and Aaron M. Glazer
How Our Obsessions are Changing How We Buy and Who We Are
Derek Thompson
The Science of Popularity in an Age of Distraction