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Hermann Simon
Ascent and Transformation
Shaun Rein
Finding the Opportunities in China's Economy in the New World Order
Nathaniel Arnold et al.
Aaron Mc Nicholas
With money for building African infrastructure drying up in China, the future looks brighter for fintech investments.
Griffin Kelly
Apple’s enjoyed unusual levels of success in China for a Western company, but its future in the country is looking less and less bright.
Luke Patey
Can India become the de-risking champion multinationals are looking for?
Group of Thirty
Weijian Shan
A Trailblazing American Venture in China
Damien Ma and Houze Song
Can Xi Get Chinese Citizens to Stop Saving and Start Spending?
François Candelon et al.
Nadège Rolland
Beijing Is Using the Global South to Constrain America
Ted Chan et al.
With the global economy in flux, companies must rethink their ways of doing business in China if they hope to keep current with the world’s largest contributor to GDP growth.