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Lida Citroën
The Executive's Guide to Building, Pivoting and Repairing Your Reputation
Paul Gallant
For a fee, companies will tackle damaging search results. But is the new economy of digital makeovers making things worse:
Sara Canaday
Uncovering the blind spots that impact your reputation and your career
Sally Hogshead
Discover Your Highest Value Through the Science of Fascination
Brian Solis
Dorie Clark
Kevin T. Jackson
Strategies for Integrity and Fair Play that Improve the Bottom Line
Michael Fertik and David Thompson
How to Protect and Restore Your Reputation on the Untamed Social Frontier
Peggy Klaus
The Art of Tooting Your Own Horn Without Blowing It
Andrew Griffin
Gaining Control of Issues, Crises & Corporate Social Responsibility
David McNally and Karl D. Speak
A Breakthrough Formula for Standing Out from the Crowd
Joe Navarro et al.