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Christian Smart
Understanding the Critical Role of Uncertainty in Project Management
Tom Kendrick
Essential Tools for Failure-Proofing Your Project
Danielle van Well-Stam et al.
An Essential Tool For Managing And Controlling Projects
Bent Flyvbjerg and Dan Gardner
The Surprising Factors That Determine the Fate of Every Project, from Home Renovations to Space Exploration and Everything In Between
Jack T. Marchewka
Providing Measurable Organizational Value
Ken Lynch
Ben Aston
Critical Steps, Tools, Benefits
Mark C. Layton
John Shook
Using the A3 Management Process to Solve Problems, Gain Agreement, Mentor and Lead
Project Management Institute
High-Impact Techniques for Handling Project Workflow, Deliverables, and Teams
Michiel van der Molen
A Time-Saver for the Busy Executive
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