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April Falcon Doss
Who Has Your Data and Why You Should Care
Bruce Schneier
The Hidden Battles to Collect Your Data and Control Your World
Linda Criddle and Nancy Muir
Help Protect Your Family on the Internet
Chris Hughes and Nikki Robinson
Managing Risk in the Vulnerable Digital Ecosystem
Pravin Mishra
Everything You Need to Know to be an AWS Cloud Practitioner
Dominique Shelton Leipzig
Responsible AI, Innovation, Privacy and Data Leadership
Beena Ammanath
A Business Guide for Navigating Trust and Ethics in AI
Aamer Baig et al.
A CIO and CTO guide
Abhishek Gupta et al.
As Generative AI democratizes adoption, new challenges loom for organizations.
Mikko Hyppönen
Allison Cerra
How Every Leader and Employee Can Contribute to a Culture of Security
Project Origin aims to create a measure of accountability through provenance: By certifying the source of the content like a watermark, we can safeguard against manipulation.