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Malcolm Parvey and Deborah Alston
Winning Government Contracts
How Your Small Business Can Find and Secure Federal Government Contracts Up to $100,000
Career Press, 2008
Was ist drin?
The U.S. government is the world’s largest consumer. Even small businesses can make a profit by selling to it.
Written by a consultant with thirty years of experience in helping small businesses acquire contracts to supply the U.S. government with products and services, this unique manual is especially designed for newcomers who don’t know how to find opportunities or use the system. It’s not exactly pleasure reading, and anyone misguided enough to try to read it all at once will quickly become overwhelmed by acronyms and forms. Nevertheless, the book is a useful reference. It presents opportunities you probably didn’t know existed and examines the most important forms in detail, explaining exactly what kind of information to provide and which boxes to check. getAbstract recommends this resource to small business managers looking for an experienced, helpful consultant to guide them through their first deals.
About the Authors
Malcolm Parvey consults with small businesses about obtaining U.S. government contracts. Deborah Alston co-wrote the book with Parvey.
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