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Bill McDermott with Joanne Gordon
Winners Dream
A Journey from Corner Store to Corner Office
Wall Street Journal Books, 2014
Was ist drin?
The CEO of software giant SAP says optimism, kindness and passion pave the path to success.
SAP CEO Bill McDermott’s memoir explores the mind and methods of a super achiever. McDermott bought and ran his first business – a delicatessen – while still in high school. He went on to lead Xerox sales teams to record-breaking success and nearly doubled revenues at the company’s Xerox Business Services division. On his watch, software giant SAP’s valuation soared 75% and its total revenue leaped 57% to €16.8 billion. He proudly shares his secret weapons: hard work, optimism and an interest in people. McDermott and writer Joanne Gordon describe his life and values in an engaging, uplifting style, with a refreshing absence of management argot. getAbstract believes McDermott’s story will inspire entrepreneurs, salespeople and managers to find their own records to break.
About the Author
Bill McDermott, CEO of the giant German software firm SAP, previously held executive positions with Siebel Systems, the Gartner Group and the Xerox Corporation. Joanne Gordon is a writer and a former Forbes contributor.
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