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Josh Bersin
What Can We Learn from Politics?
Josh Bersin Podcast
Josh Bersin, 2021
Was ist drin?
Businesses should lean into the political process. It’s good for society – and their bottom line.
Politics has become so polarized that most businesses want to avoid taking sides at all cost. But this is not possible, HR guru Josh Bersin explains in this thoughtful podcast episode. For Bersin, business and politics travel on a two-way street: While corporate decisions influence political outcomes, companies can also learn a lot from politics about how to improve their own decision-making. Corporate leaders who want to be good citizens and reach sound business decisions will appreciate Bersin’s constructive, nonpartisan insights.
About the Podcast
Josh Bersin is a renowned industry analyst, author, adviser and educator focused on the topics of HR, leadership and workplace technology solutions. He founded Bersin by Deloitte.
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