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Issa Baluch
Transport Logistics
Past, Present and Predictions
Winning Books, 2005
Was ist drin?
If you ever wonder how they built the world`s greatest buildings, the secret is logistics – the essential, unacknowledged ingredient.
This expansive, well-researched work could rank as one of the most inclusive, complete books on the esoteric topic of freight logistics and that field’s role in shaping modern civilization. The book’s wide scope and historic perspective make the topic come alive, enhanced by its architectural, engineering, military and relief effort case studies. The pace slows when author Issa Baluch discusses the transportation infrastructures of Egypt, India and Dubai, in sections that may be too detailed for most readers. Similarly, some of the case studies go into excessive detail about the actual contents of what was shipped for specific efforts, such as the Berlin airlift. However, despite these minor distractions, people in the transportation industry will find this manuscript revealing. Although it may be long and dry at times, was intrigued by its historic overview of transportation logistics.
About the Author
Issa Baluch is the founder, Chairman and CEO of the Swift Freight International, one of the top freight logistics providers in the U.A.E. He served as President of the The International Federation of Freight Forwarders Associations (FIATA) from 2003 to 2005. He received his Master of Business Administration from the University of Hull (U.K.).
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