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Heather Zumarraga
The Man’s Guide to Corporate Culture
A Practical Guide to the New Normal and Relating to Female Coworkers in the Modern Workplace
HarperCollins Leadership, 2021
Was ist drin?
Just for men in the modern workplace: Rules of engagement for interacting with female co-workers.
The gender equality movement has fundamentally altered the work environment. Companies are now hiring and promoting more women – notably, in upper management positions traditionally dominated by men. Many men feel uncertain about navigating these developments. Wariness of sexual harassment allegations can make some men shy away from working closely with female colleagues. Others find themselves questioning their longstanding attitudes and behaviors. In this must-read manual, Heather Zumarraga offers compassionate, yet challenging advice for men on how to avoid workplace pitfalls. Her approach isn’t flawless, but the topic is so crucial, men and women alike can benefit from her guidance.
About the Author
Heather Zumarraga is an economic and financial correspondent for several national TV news outlets.
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