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Monica Wofford
Make Difficult People Disappear
How to Deal with Stressful Behavior and Eliminate Conflict
Wiley, 2012
Was ist drin?
“Difficult people” simply handle things differently than you do. And that makes you mad.
Everyone knows someone difficult, but few people know how best to deal with irritating characters. Here’s some good news: When you change how you view annoying people, most of them will miraculously lose their effect – at least on you. According to workplace training consultant Monica Wofford, individuals who appear difficult simply don’t handle things the same way as the person judging them. Her advice is smart, insightful and easy to read. While she includes too much promotion of her consulting services and professional products, Wofford’s treatise offers a worthwhile approach to a tough topic. getAbstract recommends her engaging business fable to readers who need relief from difficult people.
About the Author
Monica Wofford, a certified CORE coach, is founder and CEO of Contagious Companies Inc., a training and consulting firm.
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