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Alan Weiss
Getting Started in Consulting
Wiley, 2000
Was ist drin?
A successful start-up consultant needs one thing: cash.
Alan Weiss is blessed with the ability to pay attention to details without losing sight of the big picture. He gets down and dirty when he has to, telling would-be independent consultants to take an honest look at your balance sheet and to shave every spare penny off your monthly bills. Yet he also flies high with some broad (and occasionally obvious) advice - such as promoting yourself so that business comes looking for you, rather than the other way around. particularly appreciates the inspired editorial design, which features important principles, definitions and Q&As with successful consultants.
About the Author
Alan Weiss, Ph.D. started his own consulting firm in 1985. He has written 12 books and more than 400 articles, and has worked with some of the world’s best-known and largest companies. He is an adjunct professor at the graduate school of business at the University of Rhode Island, where he teaches advanced consulting skills.
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