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Paul D. Tieger, Barbara Barron and Kelly Tieger
Do What You Are
Discover the Perfect Career for You Through the Secrets of Personality Type
Little, Brown Spark, 2021
Was ist drin?
Knowing your personality is your secret to business success.
Understanding your specific personality type can help guide you to the perfect career, argue Personality Type experts Paul D. Tieger, Barbara Barron and Kelly Tieger. Their in-depth, practical text introduces readers to the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator test for determining your personality type and explains how understanding what makes you tick can fuel a happy, fulfilling work life. The authors provide detailed profiles of each of the 16 personality types, the strengths and weaknesses of each and the (likely) best career options.
About the Authors
Paul D. Tieger and Barbara Barron have co-authored six books about Personality Types. Sarah Lawrence graduate Kelly Tieger contributed research to the fourth, fifth and sixth editions of Do What You Are.
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