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Rick Brinkman and Rick Kirschner
Dealing With People You Can't Stand
How to Bring Out the Best in People at Their Worst
McGraw-Hill, 2002
Was ist drin?
Ready to punch that office bully? Wait. Instead, try some verbal tactics designed to soothe problem personality types.
You know these people from the office: the dominating Tank, the undermining Sniper, the explosive Grenade and the smarmy Know-It-All. For your sake, here’s hoping you only have one or two of them running around your cubicle farm. Unfortunately, the work world is fraught with complainers, cheats, toadies and downers. To avoid becoming a downer yourself, you need coping strategies. Authors Dr. Rick Brinkman and Dr. Rick Kirschner describe 10 difficult, if slightly contrived, personalities and provide communications techniques for dealing with them. This is not a textbook, being slim on attributions and facts. It is, rather, a feel-good handbook of simple suggestions for using tactics and popular psychology to deal with someone you’d actually rather strangle. Given that choice, conversation is a better strategy. getAbstract hopes it works for you, and suggests this light but well-intentioned book to human resources professionals, managers with problem employees and you, if you’re feeling particularly homicidal about that knuckle-cracking, gum-popping slacker in the next cubby.
About the Authors
Dr. Rick Brinkman and Dr. Rick Kirschner began their careers as holistic physicians who addressed the emotional and mental aspects of wellness and healing. They co-authored Life by Design, Making Wise Choices in a Mixed Up World, as well as video and audiotapes. Their clients include AT&T, Hewlett-Packard, Texaco, the U.S. Army and the Young Presidents Organization.
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